7 The Mizo Society:
Continuity And Change |
Authors: J Zorema & B Lalrinchhana MRP: Rs 750.00/- Hardcover Sold by: Books Store of India Rating:
5/5 (1 rating) |
8 Mizo fiction Emergence and Development |
Dr Zoramdinthara MRP: Rs
850.00/- Hardcover Publisher: Ruby |
9 Folktales of Mizoram |
Author: Dr Laltluangliana Khiangte MRP: Rs
650.00 Available at a discount of 8% (Rs 595.00/) Hardcover Publisher: Oxford University Press Rating: 4.5/5 (9 reviews) |
10 Being Mizo: Identity And Belonging In Northeast India |
Joy Pachuau MRP: Rs
1,995.00/- Hard
cover (290 pages) Publisher: Oxford University Press |
11 The Camera as Witness: A Social History of Mizoram, Northeast India |
Joy LK Pachuau & Willem
van Schendel MRP: Rs 1,495.00/- Hardcover (502 pages) Publisher: Cambridge University Press Rating: 4.8/5 (20 ratings) | |
12 State Formation in Mizo Society |
Author: Vanlalringa Bawitlung
MRP: Rs 700.00/- Hardcover Publisher: Mittal Publications Rating: No rating yet |
Almost Unreal
Monday, November 21, 2022
Mizo books and authors in Amazon part II
Tuesday, November 15, 2022
Mizo books and authors in Amazon part 1
So, I thought of sharing them here:
1 MIZO SAGA: A brief chronological narrative of Mizo migration |
Author: John Chhana Price:
Rs 640.00 Offer: 18% discount Available in Kindle and Paperback |
2 The Blaft Book of
Mizo Myths |
3 The Mizo Uprising: Assam Assembly Debates on the Mizo Movement |
Author: Dr JV Hluna & Rini Tochhawng MRP: Rs 6,990.00 (9% discount available) Hardcover Publisher:
Scholars Publishing Rating
5/5 (1 review) |
4 Zorami – A Redemption Song |
Malsawmi Jacob Price:
Rs 399.00 Available in Kindle and Paperback Publisher:
Morph Books Rating:
4.6/5 |
5 When Blackbirds Fly |
Author: Hannah Lalhlanpuii MRP: 199.00/- Available in Kindle and paperback at 6% discount Publisher: Duckbill I have recently purchased this book on Amazon but haven't started reading. |
6 Mizo Songs and Folk Tales |
Watch out for part 2 |
Author: Laltluangliana Khiangte MRP: Rs
125.00/- Paperback Publisher:
Sahitya Akademi |
Monday, November 07, 2022
Picnic at Landmark Recreation Centre, Aizawl

Place: ****
Food: **
Tuesday, November 01, 2022
Tuesday, September 24, 2013
Advertisements as a viewer
I know I don't have the knack for creating an ads, however I think I do have the rights to have my own opinion; Rights to Freedom of Speech, remember? :) . Now, back to the point.
The ads that's spamming us the most on TV these days is the Park Avenue Beer Shampoo. I am not going to talk about the product or the meaning of the ads but the ads alone.
If you watch this ads, you will be able see that they are trying to show that this is a hilarious ads, judging by the way the model talk with the seems to be in "thoughtlessness" expression in his eyes to look funny. However, talking and looking stupid is never funny, except may be for some mainstream Indians. And, men with straightened hair is never sexy.
The Vodafone ads for Moms - Really annoying yet you can't help laughing at this ads. This ads clearly show how the Indian Moms are obsessed with their son(s). After watching this and knowing the Indian moms, I guess you can't argue with the joke -
An Indian male will have 1 wife, 1 mistress, 1 girlfriend, 1 neighbour's wife but will still love his Mummy the most
Uggh! How I hate the Cadbury's Silk ads. We are aware that the inside is not solid but an adult and grown up teens making a mess while eating it? This is so uncool and dirty. It angers me to watch them and yes, I avoid buying the Cadbury's Silk. Yewww
This is Slice ads, a simple, harmless mango juice. I don't know why the model seems to be "lusting" for it. C'mon, children are drinking it and you don't have to show as if you are about to have orgasm.
Maaza used to my favorite long time back :) and I still love it. Why have I included this? It's because the model never take a sip from the bottle. Being an actress, she is acting as if she is enjoying it while not a single drop goes into her mouth. This is just so annoying.
Is the product so bad that the person who endorse the product, I believe with a lump some amount, won't take a single sip? Oh, her acting is not great here
Friday, July 12, 2013
Plum picking in Manali
Date: 3rd July, 2013
First of all, never wear a frock to plum picking. Secondly, I realized that I am more of a country girl than a city girl.
It was after food when I met bhaiya who asked me if I want to go for plum picking with the rest of the guys. To ensure that I agree to go, he told me that his wife, bhabhi, will also be going along. Then I went to wear my shoes and climbed up the hill, with Vikram leading the way.
The last time I went for hill climbing was most probably with Jerusha, when we went to Manali in 2011. I was huffing and puffing all the way. I was quite positive that we were lost and when I made this remark, one of the guys said "no, not yet".
Then after sometime, which seems like an hour to me, we finally reached our destination.
There were around 8-to 10 plum trees and went crazy after seeing them hehe
Yes, I was busy plucking as well as eating the juicy once. I ate as much as I could, for which I paid the price later, but totally worth it.
This is Vikram, the guide who got lost..lol
This is bhabhi...very nice and cheerful woman, who kept on laughing at me as I was busy eating and plucking them at the same time
The plums were very very juicy...gosh, makes my mouth water just thinking about it
The going back was not as tough as I imagined it to be as there was a very easy way..with proper road. Yes, I confirm that we were lost on our way to the plum trees...lol
The plums were distributed among the children of Dar-Ul_Fazal
I must mention that the farm where we went to pick plums belongs to the neighbor of Dar-Ul-Fazal Children's Home, who willingly let us take as much as we like, for the children. Thanks to the family.
Tuesday, June 11, 2013
Happy 68th birthday, Mom
Honestly, I do not know the exact date of my Mom's birthday but thanks to my sis, I came to learn that it is today, 10th June. Anyway months' back, I've vowed to make a post on her birthday. I've been really missing my Mom these days.
The other day I was thinking of those rainy days back in Aizawl, that was filled with thunders and lightnings. I used to be so afraid that I always find it hard to sleep with all the lights and the rumblings.
I'd cover myself with a blanket trying hard not to hear the thunder or feel the lightning but to no avail. So after tossing and turning, I'd finally go to Mom's room and sleep next to her. That was when I finally feel safe and could fall asleep.
I know that the thunder nor the lighting stopped after sleeping next to my her but I always feel safe and protected with her. In education wise, she may not be the one that excel but she gave and gives me what I needed the most- love and security. My Mom is great and I am proud to have her as my Mother. I thank God once again for giving me YOU.
Happy Birthday again. I love you.
This photo is a bit old but I love looking at it. This is my Mom with my niece.
Mizo books and authors in Amazon part II
7 The Mizo Society: Continuity And Change Authors: J Zorema & B Lalrinchhana MRP: Rs ...

Venue: PnP Occasion: Friend's B'Day Thanks to Information Technology, I was able to go to the club and enjoy myself while I was to b...
I have been craving for the Mizo Noodles for a very long time. The only thing that stops us from preparing one is because of the type or qua...
How will I start? I know how terrible I used to feel when I lost my appetite; I lost my energy, always drowsy, no energy. For me, the worst ...